Riseapps builds mobile applications from scratch for startups, small and medium-sized businesses. The company has expertise and experience in developing domain-specific mobile applications: SaaS and IoT solutions, CRMs, social platforms, fitness services, healthcare solutions, etc.
Riseapps covers all aspects of mobile app development and implements modern technologies like AR and VR.
The company specializes in both native mobile app development and cross-platform app development (React Native).
Riseapps builds mobile applications from scratch for startups, small and medium-sized businesses. The company has expertise and experience in developing domain-specific mobile applications: SaaS and IoT solutions, CRMs, social platforms, fitness services, healthcare solutions, etc.
Riseapps covers all aspects of mobile app development and implements modern technologies like AR and VR.
The company specializes in both native mobile app development and cross-platform app development (React Native).